Thursday 18 July 2019

The Fish & Chip Tour of Scotland

We ate a lot of really great food in Scotland - but by far, the dish we ate most often, was fish & chips.  So much so that we jokingly started calling our trip the "The Fish & Chip Tour of Scotland" (well, I joked about it anyway).

Kind of like burgers in North America, fish & chips is the ubiquitous UK meal.  And Scotland shares this tradition.
Fish &chip dinner from Number 27 Bar & Kitchen, Inverness
 We only took photos of the clear winners.  The meal from Number 27 Bar & Kitchen in Inverness (27 Castle Street) was outstanding.  Fish was perfect, the chips were well cooked and presentation was fun with the little basket on the plate holding it all.  Our experience there was quite good.  Service was top rate and the drinks were cold.  It was close enough to where we were staying that we were able to walk home so that was also helpful.  Inverness is definitely a city I will revisit and explore more.

The thing about F & C is you can order it just about anywhere and have a fairly good idea of what you are getting.  A wee bit of grease, but a meal that will fill you up and keep you going for whatever it is that you are heading out to do.  Whether it is at the end of the day, or mid day to keep you going on your touristy pursuits, it will fill you up.

Another location that had a winner was The Faerie Tree in Aberfoyle.  We landed there during our day tour to Loch Lomond and Stirling Castle.  Arriving to the town on a bus (although it was a smaller tour bus) we weren't sure where we would be able to find a spot to grab a bite, but The Faerie Tree had us in and out quickly and efficiently.  Accompanied by mushy peas, it was a delicious bit that kept us going for the rest of our day.
Fish & Chips, The Faerie Tree, Aberfoyle
Something that we noticed at The Faerie Tree - they were very clear on their menu about the potential allergens in each of their meals and offerings.  As someone who needs to steer clear of a select few ingredients, I found this really helpful and refreshing. 

We loved our "Fish & Chip Tour" of Scotland and we will do it again.  Maybe we will try a "Haggis Tour" of Scotland next time?

Thursday 4 July 2019

Why YOU Should Go See the Kelpies

Kelpie.  Mystical Scottish creature. Known for lurking near bodies of water, shape shifting and stealing humans for consumption.

Also, the name of 2 very large sculptures located in the middle of Scotland!

The Kelpies are beautiful, magical pieces of art, located in Falkirk, Scotland and are worth every second of the drive to get there.  You see them as you are approaching Falkirk, from the highway, and it is if they use their powers to draw you in.  You can't help but be awed and inspired in their presence.  Our visit was during daytime, but apparently they light up at night which I am sure adds to their fantastical allure.

We had no idea these sculptures existed, but we are SO glad that we did learn about them and took the time to go and visit.

There is as well a Visitors Centre with a cute cafe and gift shop, as well as an area to walk along the nearby canal.

Do not miss the chance to get close to these shape shifters - you will be safe from these ones! ;)

Thursday 27 June 2019

Dreaming in Celtic

Callanish Standing Stones, Isle of Lewis, Scotland

Can you dream "In Celtic"?  I think you can.  Ever since I was a little girl I have been fascinated with Scotland and Ireland and the mystery of these hauntingly beautiful countries.  Tartans and bagpipes and family crests were the extent of my knowledge.  A school project or two helped me string together a list of facts and television filled in the rest. 

Does the sound of the bagpipes playing make you stop in your tracks so that you can hear the beautiful music?  The sight of anyone wearing a kilt make your heart smile?  Dream of visiting Scotland or Ireland some day?

We were fortunate enough to visit Scotland in June 2018 and instead of quenching my thirst for knowledge, it has inspired me to keep learning, searching and discovering. Our visit there was jam packed with the sights and sounds of a country that touched my soul and made me want to visit again and again.

I plan to explore all kinds of Celtic topics here, as they relate to travel, food and culture.  I can't wait to learn more about you and give you some great information about the things that I am passionate about.

Let's journey together!

The Fish & Chip Tour of Scotland

We ate a lot of really great food in Scotland - but by far, the dish we ate most often, was fish & chips.  So much so that we jokingly s...